Oct 5, 2006

New Yorking

Went to New York on Saturday. The lights, the energy, the variety, the languages...so many different languages were being spoken everywhere. I wish you were there. You would have had a great time. It was awesome. After dinner at Sardi's, which you must goto one day, I went to StarBucks for a cup of hot Awake Tea of course. There I sat for a moment to enjoy the sounds, lights, people and to think about a few things.

One of the thoughts was, "Could I live in New York?" Could I handle the mental and physical aggressiveness of these people? Could I be here and not be intimidated or eaten by this Lion they call the city? Questions I asked myself years before. Then driven by fear and concern, I turned down a great job offer. But now, years later I stand before the massive feet of this great giant and I am asked once again, Who are you among us? And as I walk through the city the buildings, the traffic, the people, and the cultures all try to audit me like wolves sniffing their next meal. The city asks of me, Who are you among us? And like a Roman Gladiator I stood strong, absent of fear in my gained years, maturer and more self-aware as my mind and heart spoke harmoniously in one voice to this Colosseum of Lions , "I am King Aladine, the one who kills Lions with his pencil and brush!"

As I walked through the river of people, I had the grace and nature of a Salmon swiming up stream. The crowd's current was pushing and bumping into me. It was crazy... yet... it was alive. I felt like nobody or nothing, no matter how big or how strong could push me over. It was impossible for me to fall. The greater the pressure, the stronger my legs grow making my smile larger. It was obvious that over the last few years I was made strong. I know now it is time to build a relationship between the City of New York and Aladine.

... Since that letter was written, I have built a relationship with the City. Becoming of member of the Metropolitan Art Museum, visiting Evelyn's family and uniting with an old Turkish roommate form my University days has brought me to New York for a few days every other month. I will now need to focus on making acquaintance with the creative / design / art circles throughout New York.

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