Jan 3, 2006

Sleeping Trust

A long posed model to draw is heaven. Yet for some reason my models often fall asleep during the sessions. I don't mind because it's quiet. I can focus without interruption. But my favorite reason to draw resting or sleeping models is the Trust Factor.

Several times in my life the word "Trust" has come up and has had a deep impression on me. My mother once said that she learned, by working with abused children and raising 24 foster children along with her own three, that an abused or hurt child can with ease respect a "new" parent ,maybe even love them soon after, but they have a very very hard time Trusting the "new" parent. That really opened my eyes to alot of things. One of my closest friends share a revelation on Trust with me when he made the comment that his wife and him after sex yet still "engaged" fell asleep together. He said "We were One in Body and Trust." That was powerful to me because I have often heard the statement "One in body and Mind or One in body and Spirit"; but what the heck does that mean. Yet to hear "One in Body and Trust", well to me that is clear and truthly powerful.

Often my "sleeping" models are fully or partially nude when they fall asleep. I would believe that if the models did not feel comfortable and trusts me they would have not slept (and slept naked) during my intense observations and documentation (sketching sessions). It really is a beautiful thing to have the privilege to draw "Sleeping Trust".

As I was drawing the model, these thoguhts of trust really made me think about how trust is a powerful experience and what a great great Subject to Paint. So look forward to the creation of some paintings on this subject, "Sleeping Trust." Until then, let me hear your thoughts on the "Sleeping Trust" sketches and one drawing.

If you haves links to your artwork that would relate to the subject of "Sleeping Trust" or just want to make comments on those thoughts above, please post them here as a comment. I would love to see what and how other artists created under this inspiration.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The top left one is a bitch with a beard.